Sunday, April 17, 2011

Firefighter Wife

Do you worry about your firefighter husband? I have been asked this question several times. My answer....ummm, not really. Yes, I do get some odd looks to that answer. But the truth is...God can take any one of us, at any time, according to His plan! Brad & I have been married for 2 1/2 years. When I married him I completely understood and accepted the dangers of his job. Every time Brad is on the job I know he might not come home, and I thank God when he does! But I don't worry because I know he has common sense, good training, and good instincts. Most importantly he has faith! I know if God decides to take my husband while fighting a fire, I know he will have died doing something he loves & will be in the presence of the Lord! This past week we have felt the generous outpouring of support & prayers from our community. We appreciate & love everyone of you very much! Brad was finally able to come home last night & get a full night sleep....only to get called out again today for another fire. It's just another day in our firefigher life.

A Firefighter Wife's Prayer

Heavenly Father, I'm asking You to send your angels today,

To protect my firefighter husband in a very special way.

I ask You to guide his thought and actions and keep him free from fear,

To bring him home safely again to those who hold him precious and dear.

Please show me the way to let him know I'm proud to be his wife.

I thank you Lord for giving me this man with whom I share my life.

To keep those you love safe from harm is a goal that you both share,

I pray that as he follows in your ways, you hold him in your care.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

To Run or Not to Run...AND in Which Direction?

Let me just start by giving you an update on my New Year's resolutions.

*The weight loss is moving along slowly. I won't give you all the details but I will tell you with all the ups and downs I have only lost 8 pounds of the 30 I want to lose. But I guess a loss is better than a gain.

*The bible reading is going well. I am learning a lot and enjoy reading God's word. I also started a bible study with a wonderful group of ladies at my church. It is an awesome study of the book of James.

Now on to the run or not to run?

A few weeks ago, my well as a few other friends...ran in the Dallas Rock-n-Roll 1/2 marathon. We were so proud of Trent and his accomplishment. His goal was to finish in 2 hours & he crossed the finish line in 2 hours, 38 seconds.

As I hear the stories and look through the various pictures, I see a variety of people running...from young to old, skinny to not so skinny, etc. So this thought comes to mind...'Hey, I can do that!' WHAT?!?! Did that thought just cross my mind? Coming from a person who is out of shape, not athletic, and doesn't have a competitive bone in her body. That's crazy!

I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

So why not? Well the idea is still up in the air for me but I'm thinking seriously about it. Maybe not actually run in a 1/2 marathon but it would sure help me get into shape & wiht the weight loss.

Now as which direction?

It has always been my dream to teach math. When attending Tech I decided I would not be successful and changed my degree to special education. I just took the easy way out. But don't get me special education degree has been a blessing and I have enjoyed the last couple of years teaching my resource students. However, every now and then I look into going back to school and getting my masters in mathematics. As the list of items I need to do to get started begins to grow, I become discouraged and just put the idea in the back of my mind.

Last week the opportunity came about to possibly move to a different position and teach math. I was so excited and began researching which test I would need to take to become certified. As I reviewed the practice manuals I became discouraged again. You see, it's been about 10 years since I have taken any math courses. So I begin to question myself. Will I be able to pass the test? Is this what I am supposed to do? So I finally gave up deciding on my own and ask God what He wanted me to do. Genius idea huh?!? Wouldn't all things be so much easier if we would just let go and let Him take over? Why do we always have to be in control of everything? So I told God, "You are going to have to be very specific in answering this because I'm blonde and you know the answer has to be right in front of my face to get it!" I know God has a sense of humor and was probably laughing at me as much as he was in agreement! Well, yesterday I got my answer. I found out the position is being filled by another teacher. It's just something that had to be done with all the financial decisions being made. Was I disappointed? Of course. Was I relieved? Absolutely! I don't have to take the test right now. But I do know this is God's plan for me right now.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a furture. Jeremiah 29:11

I am hopeful in the plans the Lord has for my future. I may still work on taking the math test for my own personal accomplishments. Who knows, maybe the opportunity will come along again. As for now, I will continue to be blessed by my special students!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Ministry in Disguise

If you know anything about my family, or me then you know that one of the most special, influential persons in my life is my younger brother Jonathan. Jonathan was born three months premature….on my second birthday….and was later diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

A few weeks ago, Jonathan got the opportunity to visit and pray with a very special man in the hospital. During this visit, Jonathan asked Stanley if he could move his legs. Not able to respond or move his legs, Jonathan prayed specifically for Stanley’s legs. The very next day Stanley entered his eternal home in heaven. That day Stanley’s wife quoted, “My beautiful Stanley is in heaven today dancing with Jesus.” I’m not sure if this is exactly what Jonathan prayed for but what an awesome story…Jonathan prayed for Stanley’s legs and the very next day he was dancing with Jesus!

Jonathan has only questioned his condition once before in his whole life. My mother just replied with, “God made you special.” Jonathan was happy with this explanation and never questioned again. Well I guess the visit with Stanley stirred up his curiosity again. That next day Jonathan began to question why he could not move his legs. Mom again replied with, “God made you special.” However, this time that answer was just not enough for him. He began to pursue the issue more. So mom quoted Psalm 139:14….”I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Mom began to elaborate by talking about specific experiences Jonathan has had. My family is involved with the prison ministry through our church. Every Christmas, the group goes to the prison and passes out bags with items for each prisoner. Jonathan is always at the end of the line waiting to greet each one of the men. Mom reminded Jonathan that he is such as blessing to those men and they look forward to seeing him every year.

Jonathan’s response….”You mean like a ministry?”


Jonathan….”I want to have a ministry!”

So my parents talked with our pastor, who in turn talked with the elders. So now Jonathan has a ministry of his own. Every Tuesday after Lions Club lunch, Jonathan goes to the 4th floor of the hospital and visits with a very special lady from our church. He visits with her, ask how she is doing, and prays with/for her. How awesome is that!!!

But what Jonathan doesn’t understand is that he has been a ministry his whole life! He has been through so many trials in his lifetime. He has had several surgeries on his legs and hips to help release tension. He has been diagnosed with Hepatitis C and started treatment. The treatment was so hard on his body he nearly stopped breathing. Then one day, by the grace of God, we were told the Hep C was not active and there was no damage to his liver. BUT through all the trials, Jonathan never question God’s plan or complained.

Jonathan is constantly touching the lives of others. He has been presented with sports memorabilia numerous times, whether it is local high school or professional. He was able to give his testimony to a group of high school football players at a local leadership conference. A friend of the family was in Boston where he met a firefighter. Jonathan was somehow mentioned in their conversations. Right then, the firefighter took the hat off his head to pass along to Jonathan. I know you are thinking ‘big deal…it’s just a hat’. Well this hat was made especially for these firefighters in memory of the 9-11 events. A stranger, never met, touched by Jonathan’s story passed along such a special, personal item. These are just a few instances when lives have been touched.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights….” James 1:17

This verse means a great deal to me! I do believe Jonathan is truly a gift from God and he is perfect – just the way God made him. So many times I have to remind myself Jonathan is a man, not a boy. He grows in Christ daily and continues to amaze me. One day Jonathan will be dancing in heaven with Jesus and Stanley. What a glorious day it will be when Jonathan will not only be a ministry to so many people, but also be able to use his legs!

Monday, January 3, 2011

In the beginning...

Happy New Year everyone!

With the new year comes the dreaded new year’s resolution. Every year I usually come up with one or two things and of course it gets filed in ‘file 13’ somewhere and never thought of again. Well, this year I want it to be different. I wanted to blog about my resolution so those of you who read this can hold me accountable....and please do!

*Loose 30 pounds

I know what some of you are thinking....‘yeah right, she always says that’! AND I usually do but this year I am going to do it. Diabetes runs in both sides of my family. I also had gestational diabetes while pregnant with both of my children, having to depend on insulin the second time. With my weight and family history, my chances of acquiring diabetes permanently are very high. My goal is to start eating right and exercising to become a healthier person. I would really like to loose more than 30 but you know what they say about not make them too difficult! : )

*Become more educated through scripture

I am a Christian and I love my Lord Jesus but when it comes to scripture, I am not the brightest person. I have started reading the Bible in chronological order.....thanks mom for passing it down! I started a few months ago but didn’t follow through so when January 1st came I thought....”what better day to start, that way the date would actually match up the the reading date.” Yea I know, I'm smart like that! LOL

I would also like to blog periodically about my readings so check back often for updates.

*Educate my children spiritually

I know this may sound I don’t already do this but I promise, Brad and I do talk about Jesus with our children. However, I get so wrap up in the impression that raising your children in church and praying for them is sufficient enough.....almost like they learn all they need to know in church. I KNOW THIS IS NOT TRUE and I confess I have not been the best teacher of God’s word to my children. Therefore, as I become more educated in my readings, I can pass this knowledge down to my children....of course in a more simplified way! Which should not be too hard for me since that is what I do on a daily basis.....being 'special' and all!

We love each and everyone of you and pray that God blesses you and your family tremendously in 2011!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Polar Express

We took Jace to ride the Polar Express last Friday. He was so excited! He even watched the movie in the car on the way to Lubbock. After a little shopping and some eating we finally made it to the site. I think I was more excited than Jace when we saw the train! Jace was having a good time playing catch with the boy in the next seat, dancing with the servers, and just going non-stop. Mom and I wondered what we had gotten ourselves into!

THEN Santa came on board. It was like time stood still. Jace sat so still and quiet, peeking around the seat in front waiting for his turn. It was so sweet to just see the innocence and excitement of all the children as they waited for their chance to talk with Santa.

I long for the day I get to see and talk with my Lord and Savior Jesus! Watching Jace reminds me of the way I will be that day! Remember Jesus is the Reason for this CHRISTmas Season!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Well I finally decided to dive into the blog world! Just warning everyone now....I'm not the best writer in the world so just hang in there with me. With this being the day before Thanksgiving, what better way to start my blog by talking about what I am thankful for. I have been blessed beyond measure with my wonderful husband and my two precious boys! I have a great BIG extended family who I love and adore! I have many awesome friends who I can rely on whenever I need anything! But best of all, I have been saved by the grace of God!
I thank God for everyone in my life and I wish each and everyone one of you a very blessed Thanksgiving!